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Experience with working with Public Housing Authorities (PHA’s)

Nelson Associates, Inc. has a long history of working with public housing authorities both large and small. Our primary focus has been to address the needs of our clients, owners and residents of affordable housing through the provision of, full service property management, Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program management and real estate development services. We have served as program administrator, development and financing consultant and owner’s representative throughout every phase from inception to sustained occupancy. Depending on the need of each local PHA, the City, neighborhood community, and the existing and potential residents; our services are tailored to insure that we contribute as an effective and resourceful team leader or participant.  To assure that  the  local housing needs and demands are met to the fullest extent possible, our team works closely with all stakeholders to reach consensus and to achieve the most mutually desired and beneficial results. From the planning and development process through years of sustained occupancy,  we have proven to be a committed, trusted and reliable partner.